April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month!

Many people may not know that April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month; after all when people hear about cancer awareness it usually refers to breast or lung cancer. We should be aware and educated on all types of cancer and research is needed to beat this deadly family of diseases, however, most people are not aware of the dangers of oral cancers and how deadly this disease can be.






Oral cancers can affect the:

  • Lips
  • Lining of the lips and cheeks
  • Upper and lower gums
  • Tongue and floor of the mouth under the tongue
  • Hard and soft palate
  • Throat
  • Tonsils

People who smoke, heavily consume alcohol, have poor oral hygiene or have been infected with the Human papillomavirus (HPV virus) are at increased risk for oral cancer.

While this cancer is not as well-known as other types, it will affect over 49,000 people this year with an 83% survival rate if found and treated early.  So how is oral cancer found?

Regular visits to the dentist for screenings is the first and best way to detect oral cancer.

In honor or National Oral Cancer Awareness Month, Eldorado Dental will be preforming free oral cancer screenings. Simply call and make an appointment to receive your free screening.

Prevention coupled with regular dental visits and screenings work together to help us conquer this disease.

Call 505-466-0999 today to set up your free screening in April.

El Dorado Dental is relocating to a new office!Learn more