The Best Cosmetic Dentist in Santa Fe
Want to know the best cosmetic dentist in Santa Fe? We won’t keep you in suspense. It is Dr. Haley Ritchey DDS at El Dorado Dental. Want to know why? It’s pretty simple. El Dorado Dental is passionate about the well-being of every single patient that walks through the door. And, all the ones to come.
Health is Beauty
What is usually the first thing about a person that you notice? How about their smile? Something about a genuine smile is infectious and encouraging. Smiles are not only beautiful to look at, but they feel good as well. When a person is too embarrassed to smile because they have bad teeth it is a sad situation. El Dorado Dental believes that everyone should have a healthy beautiful smile and Dr. Haley Richey has the expertise to deliver the best smiles ever.
Dental Implants
Dental implants may sound like a horrifying way to correct dental problems, but they are not so bad. The dentist will remove any teeth that are damaged or beyond repair. Small screws will be placed in the space of the old teeth so the implants will be held and supported. The implants are fastened to the anchors and boom, you have new teeth. It is almost impossible to see that the new teeth are not real. They look great and work wonderfully for chewing.
Oral Hygiene
Oral hygiene is a must at all times. Before, during and after any cosmetic dentistry always practice safe and healthy dental habits. In the process of dental implants, there will be a period when the screws need time to fuse to the bone. During this time it is especially important to keep everything clean and fresh in the mouth.
Cosmetic Dentist Superstar
When it comes to your health why would you take risks? Dr. Haley Ritchey has been in business in the Santa Fe area since 1999. Trust your health, and your teeth to a doctor that has a proven track record and actually cares about you. Contact us today to start the process towards a healthier, happier, smiling you.