
Charcoal Toothpaste is a Dental Trend? Really?

We all want to have the brightest smile and we’re ready and willing to explore new avenues of experimentation to achieve the optimum oral health even if this means brushing with charcoal toothpaste. The seeming popularity of new and trendy dental health practices only fuels our desire to achieve the best mouth possible. And when

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Eldorado Dental, Happy Dental Blog, Haley Richey

Happiness is a Dental Visit Away

A recent Huffington Post article cited a National Geographic study which determined the happiest places to live in the  United States. They used metrics like the amount of civic engagement, financial security and…. how often people visited the dentist. And when you think about it, it just makes sense. Happy people need those pearly whites

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Love Your Dental Hygienist

We all need to see the dentist to maintain healthy teeth, gums and mouth. In many cases, you don’t want to see the actual dentist, you want to see is the dental hygienist. While the best dentist in Santa Fe may wear the white coat, flash that dazzling smile, swoop in and poke around in

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IV Sedation and Dental Work

The early days of dental work required a great deal of patience and pain tolerance if anything inside the mouth was amiss. Thankfully, modern dental practices have replaced the early form of dental work, saving the patients from pain with anesthesia. While the standard shot of Novocain seems to work fine for routine dental work,

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The Right Toothbrush – Invest in Better Oral Care

Deciding to invest in better oral care starts with brushing and flossing at home. No matter who you ask, from the recent dental grad to the best dentist in Santa Fe, they will agree brushing and flossing is the best and first step in the war against decay and gum loss. But choosing what kind

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Kids and the Dentist – The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene

When your little one’s first tooth pops through it’s a time of excitement. Another milestone has been reached and it is usually documented by numerous pictures. Soon more teeth make an appearance and your baby is officially growing up. While first teeth are a huge move forward for your son or daughter, many parents don’t

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April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month!

Many people may not know that April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month; after all when people hear about cancer awareness it usually refers to breast or lung cancer. We should be aware and educated on all types of cancer and research is needed to beat this deadly family of diseases, however, most people are

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Soft Drinks and Oral Health

Soft drinks are a part of modern life and are available almost anywhere you go. According to National Soft Drink Association statistics, Americans consume roughly 600 12-ounce servings of soda per year. All this soda guzzling does come with a price and it appears the effects of soda on teeth are not so appetizing. The

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Dental Flossing Can Reduce Future Dental Costs

Did you know that simple flossing, when done daily, can save you money? It’s true; flossing at least once a day not only removes food lodged between your teeth, but also protects your teeth and gums from damage and future dental costs. Just ask any dentist from California, to Maine to your local Santa Fe

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ADA Toothbrush Storage Guidelines Following Fecal Coliform Study

What’s on YOUR toothbrush? Have you ever considered that a likely answer to this question is……… POOP??!!!! Yes. That’s right. The contraption you put in your mouth everyday to clean your teeth can harbor some pretty nasty bacteria; one of the most likely contaminants being fecal matter. According to a recent study done at Quinnipiac

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El Dorado Dental is relocating to a new office!Learn more