
Kids Oral Care

Kids Oral Care: Tooth Truth

How important is kids oral care and what’s your role? Let’s talk about it! But first, let’s establish a foundational tooth truth.  Brushing teeth is not optional. You make your kids bathe, right? (Okay. The pool counts.) Kids oral health is especially important because not only are their teeth a valuable asset but by establishing

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Dental Stem Cells

Dental Stem Cells and Your Child’s Teeth

Regenerative Medicine Science is advancing in unprecedented ways. The field of regenerative medicine continues to research effective ways to use stem cells to treat many diseases like leukemia, type 1 diabetes and even Alzheimer’s. A stem cell is a master cell within the human body that contributes to regenerating or repairing tissue. There are four

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gum health

Gum Health: All About Gums

So, you think you’ve mastered dental care. You brush twice a day, use the best toothpaste money can buy and never ever skip your scheduled cleanings. You’re such a pro! Not that I want to put doubt in your mind, but are your really doing all you can do for your teeth? Have you forgotten

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NM candy exchange

What to do with all that Halloween Candy?

Ah, Halloween! Probably one of the most fun holidays of the year. Kids (and adults…we don’t judge) get to dress up and pretend to be scary, magical or something in between. They race through neighborhoods, collecting mountains of candy. And at the end of the night, they come home with their bounty, looking forward to

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invisible braces comparison

The Case for Clear Braces: An Invisible Braces Comparison

The magic of braces has fixed everything from crossbites, underbites, crooked smile or just plain old snaggle teeth. Those brackets, wires and rubber bands all work together to slowly move teeth into the proper place, giving the client the beautiful smile they want. While braces are incredibly beneficial, they aren’t necessarily the easiest procedure to

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dentist back to school

Get that Smile Back-to-School Ready!

The summer has come and is quickly on its way out. You and your family have spent time at the lake, ocean, river, waterpark, picnic, fireworks show and everything in between. You’ve had so much fun with your kids…maybe too much. Now that school is starting, you feel that sense of hope returning. You find

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dentist santa fe

Flash that Dazzling Smile – National Smile Month

There is always a reason to celebrate (we like National Smile Month), and with twelve months in a year, there are twelve ways to recognize unique events year-long. For instance, did you know that July is considered Hot Dog and Pancake month (although you probably should celebrate those separately)? Or that November is World Vegan

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whiter teeth

For That Whiter, Brighter Smile

For That Whiter, Brighter Smile – Options for whiter teeth Flashing that smile of yours not impressing during the interview? Too many swiping left on your profile picture? Your once dazzling smile faded to a middle-aged funk? Let’s face it, as much as we might want to tell ourselves we don’t judge others by their

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El Dorado Dental

El Dorado Dental Santa Fe – Location, Location, Location

El Dorado Dental – Location, Location, Location A confession is necessary… No, it’s not about some hidden loot left over from a bank robbery or a past crime lurking in the background. This confession is a little different. You see, your favorite dentist, Haley Ritchey DDS, and El Dorado Dental isn’t actually in Santa Fe.

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The Dangers of DIY Dentistry

I just love do-it-yourself shows! You know, when a couple buys a run-down home and works to fix it up themselves, they end up with a mansion and increase their property value by 500%. However much we may love to do tasks ourselves there are some things that should not be attempted by yourself. I’m

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El Dorado Dental is relocating to a new office!Learn more